
ETH Ubuntu Linux documentation

This is the public production documentation of the ETH Ubuntu Linux. This documentation consists of a small introduction off all the ansible roles used to deploy / customize Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy) for our customers needs.

The documentation for the staging branch see here.

Documentation intro

As mentioned above, this documentation consists not only of a small introduction of all the ansible roles used to deploy / customize Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy) for our customers needs, but also a changelog which will give you an idea on why to switch from our customized Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) solution to our custom Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy). This changelog can be found in the contents list with the title “Public release changelog” (or click on next on the bottom right of the page).

Creating a new role or changing an existing role for the ETH Ubuntu Linux (Jammy) could result in a change of the roles README.md file. Every change to a roles README.md file will directly be pushed to this documentation via a CI/CD pipeline. This process was built to ensure the link between the developer gitlab (Link to gitlab) and the documentation. This should result in the documentation always being at the same level as the READMEs on the gitlab, which we carefully maintain with best effort.